I’m so angry at you for (fill in the blank), I’m going to kill your children……

…….Oh my God – one day the targeted parent has a child, and the next day they don’t. It’s as if someone killed their child.  The alienating parent is so angry that they are killing – they are murdering – the other person’s children.

“I’m so angry at you for leaving me, I’m going to kill your children.”…….


This may sound crazy and far-fetched.

It is crazy but it represents the thinking of a person with severe personality disorders.

Specifically, it describes the thinking and action of a parent who has developed a narcissistically-ordered personality disorder with borderline features.

Other descriptors include:  An alienator.  A pathogenic parent.  A delusional psychopath.  A Jezebel.  A demon-possessed witch.  A sorcerer.

In fact the reality of such evil is not far-fetched as it happens every day at the hands of pathogenic parents who are re-enacting their own childhood/adolescent trauma in their adult lives.

These kinds of people are not born.  They are created during developmental periods in their lives and they mature with the pathology intact and perhaps hidden until a high conflict situation triggers the pathogen.  It can be shown that psychological structures of a person with PD’s are damaged and/or are left undeveloped as a result of their own unresolved trauma.  Even though this can be understood and pathological behavior can be attributed to others, understanding alone does not undo or reverse the damage that occurs as this disease is passed on to subsequent generations.

This disease of pathogenic parenting is symptomatic and can be described fully using existing and accepted psychological principles and constructs.  Dr. Craig Childress, PsyD was the first to fully and accurately diagnose the condition.

Yes, these pathogenic parents have serious psychological diseases and they pass these sicknesses on to their children through myriad means.

This condition reflects the biblical concept of passing the sins of the parent on to subsequent generations.  See Exodus 34:7 at this link.

Below, Dr. Craig Childress explains his personal interest and motivation behind exposing this the psychopathology of ‘Attachment-Based Parental Alienation,’ or ‘Pathogenic Parenting’:
