Question: What kind of an Evil Megalomaniac would visit this kind of damage and harm on their own children? Answer: One with no conscience, who suffered childhood trauma and whose attachment systems are utterly shattered in their own family of origin.

Alienating your child(ren) from their other parent is like starving each of them to death over years while enjoying and gaining great satisfaction from the process.  This is the sign of a monster and no amount of legal or health system manipulation will ever change that fact. 



How to Recognize your Narcissistic Mother.

The mask cannot be removed.

How to recognize your narcissistic mother begins with realizing that she may have had an undiagnosed personality disorder. Narcissisitic mothers manipulate, control, and play their own children against each other. They hinder their children’s ability to individuate, envy them and are threatened with their independence. Devoid of empathy and more concerned with the impression they are making, narcissistic mothers treat their children as if they were extensions of them.

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There is a difference between sin and evil. We are commanded to forgive sin but we are not commanded to forgive evil. Here is a short video that uses scripture to explain the difference in terms of the pathological disorder of narcissism. The narcissist knows what they are doing, they know what harm and devastation their behavior causes and may actually revel in it, however, they feel and believe themselves to be completely justified and have no intent to change or repent. Their father surely is the Devil.

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